Be Prepared in 2022

The 10 Shifts YOU MUST KNOW 

Hey there,
2022 has a lot of twists and turns that you need to be aware of. Many predict gloom and doom as always, but I see it differently. 

Going into last year (2021) all I heard was "if you thought 2020 was bad, just wait". Well you know what, those astrologers were wrong, and I was right. This year, 2021, has been much better with a relative return to normal after and intense beginning ,.. exactly as I predicted. 

So, get ready for 2022 by registering for this free webclass .

You will learn:

  • Practical Thinking and Progress
    Mercury 6 months in earth Signs (1/1-3/5, 4/24-7/1, 8/20-10/25)
  • Elevating Connections/Devotion
    Venus direct in Sagittarius 1/29
  • Obsessed with Self/Rejecting Others
    Nodes change 3/19 - Aries/Libra Axis
  • Mystical Teachings and Connections
    Jupiter in Pisces - 4/13 (For All 12 Signs)
  • Committing to the Future World
    Saturn in Aquarius 4/28-7/12
  • Obsession with Self and Winning
    Solar eclipse Aries - Bharani 4/30
  • Cosmic Blowups and War
    Mars/Rahu Close - 7/16-8/10
  • Reversal of Duties and Fortunes
    Saturn and Jupiter retrograde - 7/28 - 10/22
  • Obsessive Scrutiny of Others
    Solar eclipse Libra - Swati 10/25
  • Fiery Values and Interests
    Mars Retrograde 10/30 IN Gemini/Mrigashira) until 1/12/2023

For a
Great 2022

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is the author of "Yoga and Vedic Astrology" and "The Ascendant-108 Planets of Vedic Astrology". He is the founder of the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science - which offers level 1-3 Certification programs in Vedic Astrology. Currently the Academy has more than 250 students enrolled. Sam is certified level 1 and 2 through ACVA and CVA and was hired by Dattatreya Shiva Baba to teach the first Astroved Vedic Astrology Certification Program in 2010.